Season | Dates | Daily Bag Limit | Restrictions |
Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days* |
October 27 - 28 | Same as regular season, listed below | Open to youth hunters age 12-15 accompanied by a licensed adult, 21 years of age or older and may take ducks, sea ducks and geese |
Canada Goose Early Season |
September 1 - 30 | 15 | Shooting hours are ½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset for September season only |
Canada Goose Regular Season |
November 17 - 25 and December 1 - January 20, 2019 | 2 | Special permits are required for the South Shore Management Area and may be obtained through the online licensing system or the DFW. Field reservations are required. See page 26 for more information. |
Canada Goose Late Season |
January 26 - February 9, 2019 | 5 | Limited to Providence, Bristol and Kent counties and portions of Washington County as described in RIHR §9.11(B)(3)(d). A map depicting the area open to hunting is available on the Depart-ment of Environment Management's website. |
Snow Goose (Including Blue Goose) |
October 6 - January 20, 2019 | 25 | No possession Limit |
Brant | November 22 - January 20, 2019 | 2 | - |
Sea Ducks1 | November 22 - January 20, 2019 | 5 | Eider, Long-tailed Duck, Scoter (only 4 of any one species per daily bag limit) |
Ducks | October 12 - 15 November 21 - 25 December 1 - January 20, 2019 |
6 | -
The daily bag limit shall contain no more than:Mallard 4(2 hens) Black Duck .. 2 Canvasback .. 2 Pintail .. 2 Redhead .. 2 Scaup .. 2 Wood Duck .. 3 |
Coots | Same As Ducks | 15 | - |
Mergansers | Same As Ducks | 5 | Hooded merganser .. 2 |
Swans | No Season | - | - |
Harlequin Duck | Closed | Caution: Harlequin ducks are found in sea duck hunting areas along rocky coastal shores, specifically in the vicinity of Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge, Middletown and Beavertail Pt., Jamestown. The female Harlequin duck is similar in appearance to female bufflehead, goldeneye, or scoter, and can be mistaken for the latter species |
The possession limit shall contain no more than three (3) times the daily bag limit listed above.
See page 10 for more information on Youth and Disabled Hunter Opportunities
Season | Dates | Bag Limits |
Crow |
August 10 - September 30 (Fri, Sat, Sun Only) October 20 - December 10 (inclusive) December 21 - April 6, 2019 (Fri, Sat, Sun Only) |
Unlimited |
King/Clapper Rai | September 1 - November 9 | 1 |
Sora/Virginia Rail | September 1 - November 9 | 3 |
Snipe | September 1 - November 9 | 5 |
Mourning Dove |
September 8 - October 7 October 20 - December 2 December 8 - 23 |
Woodcock | October 20 - December 3 | 3 |
The possession limit shall contain no more than three (3) times the daily bag limit listed above
(1)Except for the periods November 22 - 25, 2018 and December 1, 2018 - January 20, 2019 may be taken only in the Special Sea Duck Hunting Areas.These areas are seaward of the first upstream bridge, which includes Washington Bridge-Seekonk River; Mt. Hope Bridge- Mt. Hope Bay; and Sakonnet Bridge- Sakonnet River. Sea ducks taken in areas outside of Special Sea Duck Hunting Areas during the periods November 22 - 25, 2018 and December 1, 2018 - January 20, 2019 will be considered as part of the regular daily six (6) bird bag limit. Sea ducks may not be taken during the first segment, as well as the first day of the second segment of the regular duck season October 12 - 15 and November 21, 2018.
2018-19 Waterfowl Highlights:
Migratory Bird Hunting And Conservation Stamp
The law requires that each waterfowl hunter sixteen (16) years of age and over must carry on his or her person a valid Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp ("Federal Duck Stamp") signed in ink across the face. Waterfowl hunters must also possess a RI State Waterfowl Stamp, signed in ink across the face, or a State Waterfowl Stamp Certification obtained through the web-based online licensing system Those wishing to obtain a RI waterfowl stamp ($7.50) may do so at the Division of Fish and Wildlife, Great Swamp Field Head-quarters: 277 Great Neck Rd, West Kingston, RI 02892, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A limited number of "hunter" edition stamps will be printed and available for purchase.
Harvest Information Permit - HIP
All migratory bird hunters are required by Federal Law to obtain a RI Harvest Information Program (HIP) Permit, obtainable through the online licensing system, at hunting license vendors and participat-ing town clerks statewide. For more informa-tion, call 401-789-0281. A HIP certification must be included on your license document to hunt migratory birds.
About The Artist
Kaia Bennett recently completed seventh grade at the Exeter West Greenwich Junior High School. She enjoys participating in art classes at Lionheart Studies, playing the flute and dancing. Kaia is passionate about nature and animals and she loves spending time outdoors. This is Kaia's first selection as the Rhode Island Waterfowl Stamp artist.
Non-Toxic Shot Requirements
No person shall hunt, pursue, shoot or attempt to take waterfowl, rails, or snipe within the State of Rhode Island, including associated jurisdictional tidal waters which extend from mean high water to the seaward limit of three miles, while possessing shells loaded with any shot other than non-toxic shot (e.g., steel, bismuth-tin, tungsten-iron, tungsten-polymer, tungsten-matrix, and tungsten-nickel-iron-shot) and other shot as approved by United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). All shot larger than BB is prohibited; including duplex loads containing shot larger than BB. Tin shot is prohibited.
Hunting Restrictions
No person shall take migratory game birds:
Closed Areas
Providence, East Providence, Pawtucket - That portion of the Seekonk River north of the railroad bridge to a line across the Seekonk River running between the intersection of Gulf Road and River Drive (Providence side) to the southerly abutment of the railroad bridge at the outlet of Omega Pond (East Providence side), shall be closed to water-fowl hunting. The discharge of firearms while wa-terfowl hunting on the Seekonk River is restricted to discharge toward open water (seaward).
Warwick - Brush Neck Cove, so-called, in its entirety. Mill Cove, so-called, in its entirety, including the beachfront. Buttonwoods Cove, so-called, in its entirety.
North Kingstown - Mill Cove, Wickford, so called, in its entirety. Fishing Cove, Wickford, area west of a line to be determined bisecting Cornelius Island. All discharge of firearms while waterfowl hunting is restricted to discharge in an easterly direction from the above line. The Division of Fish and Wildlife will establish the line of demarcation.
Charlestown - Watchaug Pond and Poquiant Brook, or hunting within 100 yards upland of the shore or bank of same.
Tiverton - That unnamed estuary in Tiverton, north of Seapowet Avenue and east of Jack's Island, bounded on the west, south, and east shore by the Audubon Society of RI's Emilie Ruecker Wildlife Refuge, and as posted by Audubon Society of RI and Department of Environmental Management signs. The affected area includes the inlet of this estuary and marshland on the north side of this outlet.
Middletown - Sachuest Point (NWR) shore-line below mean high water to mean low water surrounding the National Wildlife Refuge property is closed to all hunting: No hunting along shoreline.
Lincoln/Central Falls - Pursuant to RIGL 11-47-49.1, discharge of a firearm within the Blackstone Valley Flood Plains or Marshes, also known as "Valley Marshes" is prohibited.
Additional Restrictions
Barrington ? The Barrington River between Central Bridge at Massasoit Avenue and Barrington Bridge #123 at County Road is closed to hunting, except for that section on the river east of Puritan Avenue ((41.745873? N, -71.309876? W) and west of the point southwest of Seabrook Court ((41.744189? N, -71.306622? W). Hunting shall be restricted to the water areas below the vegetation line. Discharge of firearms while wa-terfowl hunting is restricted to discharge toward open water (seaward).
Bristol ? Walker Island - discharge of firearms while waterfowl hunting is restricted to discharge toward open waters (seaward).
East Providence? Check local ordinances for restrictions. The discharge of firearms while wa-terfowl hunting is restricted to discharge toward open water (seaward).
Warwick ? Rock Island and its adjacent groin extending northward off Narragansett Park-way. The discharge of firearms while waterfowl hunting is restricted to discharge toward open water (seaward).
Cranston ? Washouset Point (Pawtuxet Cove) north to Fields Point including Stillhouse Cove, the discharge of firearms while waterfowl hunting is restricted to discharge towards open water (sea-ward). No hunting within five hundred (500) feet of occupied buildings (RIGL 20-13-7) from the shoreline or from a watercraft.
Little Compton ? All waterfowl hunters must have the following to hunt the Simmons Mill Pond only in the Simmons Mill Management Area: (a) waterfowl decoys; (b) retrieving breed of hunting dog, and/or a boat without motor, or canoe without motor.
North Kingstown ? Waterfowl hunting on Bel-leville Pond is restricted to the northwest segment of the large pond as designated by DEM signs. The discharge of firearms is restricted toward open waters. Waterfowl hunting is permitted after November 15 by town ordinance. Firearms must remain cased until individual reaches hunting area (blind or boat).Check local ordinances for shooting or hunt-ing restrictions
Wanton Waste
All migratory game birds killed or crippled shall be retrieved, if possible, and retained in the custo-dy of the hunter in the field.
No person shall give, put or leave any migratory game birds at any place or in the custody of another person unless the birds are tagged by the hunter with the following information:
Possession Of Live Birds
Wounded birds reduced to possession shall be immediately killed and included in the daily bag limit.
No person shall completely field dress any migra-tory game bird (except doves and band-tailed pi-geons) and then transport the birds from the field. The head or one fully feathered wing must remain attached to all such birds while being transported from the field to one?s home or to a migratory bird preservation facility.
No person shall ship migratory game birds unless the package is marked on the outside with: (a) the name and address of the person sending the birds, (b) the name and address of the person to whom the birds are being sent, and (c) the number of birds, by species contained in the package.
For information regarding the importation of migratory birds killed in another country, hunters should consult 50 CFR 20.61 through 20.66. One fully-feathered wing must remain attached to all migratory birds being transported between the port of entry and one?s home or to a migratory bird preservation facility. No person shall import migratory game birds killed in any foreign coun-try, except Canada, unless such birds are dressed (except as required in 20.63), drawn, and head and feet are removed. No person shall import migra-tory game birds belonging to another person.
Federal regulations related to migratory game birds are located in Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20.
Hunting On National Wildlife Refuges
More restrictive regulations may apply to Na-tional Wildlife Refuges open to public hunting. For additional information on Federal regula-tions, contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agent, 401-364-9124.
Since the detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in North America in 2015, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management has participated in a nationwide surveillance effort of wild birds. To date, there have been no positive detections of HPAI in wild birds in Rhode Island. The Department and cooperators have scaled back HPAI surveillance efforts and appreciates the past support of hunt-ers in providing specimens for sampling. Despite scaled back surveillance efforts, the Department encourages hunters to remain vigilant and report unusual or suspected mortality events.
Due to the presence of HPAI in North Amer-ica, the DFW strongly advises hunters to adhere to the following procedures when handling wild birds to avoid possible exposure to themselves, pets or domestic poultry: