Small Game | Sunrise until Sunset (7:00 AM on opening day) |
Deer Hunting | 1/2 hour before Sunrise until 1/2 hour after Sunset |
Coyote | 1/2 hour before Sunrise until 1/2 hour after Sunset |
Raccoon | 6:00 PM October 1 until 11:59 PM of the last day of February |
Waterfow | l1/2 hour before Sunrise until Sunset |
Canada Goose,September season only | 1/2 hour before Sunrise until 1/2 hour after Sunset |
Spring Turkey | 1/2 hour before Sunrise until 1:00PM |
Fall Turkey | 1/2 hour before Sunrise until Sunset |
Dove (1st segment) | Noon until Sunset |
Dove (2nd and 3rd segment) | Sunrise until Sunset |
Woodcock, Snipe & Rails | 1/2 hour before Sunrise until Sunset |
Crow | 1/2 hour before Sunrise until 1/2 hour after Sunse |